Round table: “Adamzat kalauy – yadrosyz alem”

On August 21, 2024, a round table dedicated to the International Day against Nuclear Tests was held at the Alatau Creative Hub. The event, called “Adamzat kalauy – yadrosyz alem”, brought together experts, public figures and veterans to discuss the most important issues in the field of nuclear disarmament and security.

The round table was attended by representatives of the public organization of the Semey landfill, employees of the Department of Emergency Situations and honored veterans of the Alatau district. During the discussions, key aspects related to the history and consequences of nuclear testing, as well as the path to a world without nuclear weapons, were touched upon.

The main goal of the event was to take stock of many years of efforts to eradicate nuclear testing and develop new strategies to achieve complete nuclear safety. Those present shared their experiences and discussed the current challenges facing Kazakhstan and the world as a whole.

Public figures noted the importance of continuing the work of