redactor redactor

Deputies of the Maslikhat of Almaty met with heads of cultural institutions
On July 27, 2023, the Central City Library named after A.P. Chekhov hosted a meeting of deputies of the Maslikhat of Almaty with the leadership of the Almaty Library. It was attended by Gani Mailibayev - Head of the Almaty Department of Culture, Meirzhan Otynshiev - Secretary of the Almaty Maslikhat, Serik Esmatov, Karashash Juzeeva, Yerkin Rakishev - deputies of the Almaty Maslikhat, Meiram Bektembayev – Director of the Almaty Library, as well as heads of other subordinate organizations of the Almaty Department of Culture. During the discussion, it was...

«Reduce – steps to sustainable development»
An event aimed at awakening ecological consciousness among Almaty schoolchildren took place in the Central Children's Library named after S. Begalin. The meeting was organized by CF Impact Hub Almaty within the framework of the Tabigat Labs initiative. Experts from the Public Fund «Recycle Birge» Pakizat Sailaubekova and Aliya Salmenova told about the concept of «7R». It is devoted to the principles of minimizing the eco-footprint. Almost thirty children took master classes on the paintings of shoppers, the upcycle of things, and also took part in the discussion on the...

The grand opening of the book corner of Turkish literature «Mahmud Kashgari Library» took place in Alatau Creative Hub
The organizers of this significant event, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey, were the Consulate General of the Republic of Turkey in Almaty, the Foundation of Turkic History and Culture "TURKTAV" and the Libraries of Almaty. The Mahmoud Kashgari Library is an important step in strengthening cultural exchange between Kazakhstan and Turkey. The event was attended by the Head of the Department of Culture of the city of Almaty Gani Mailibayev, the Director of Libraries of Almaty Meiram Bektembayev, as well as guests from the Republic...

National Dombra Day

Business meeting
On June 16, at the innovation center "ALATAU CREATIVE HUB" at the libraries of Almaty, a meeting was held with the participation of the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in Kazakhstan Mustafa Kapucu, the Consul General of the Republic of Turkey in Almaty Ali Ryza Akindzhi and the director of the Almaty Libraries Meiram Bektembaev. During the meeting, issues of mutual cultural cooperation between Kazakhstan and Turkey were discussed, as well as an agreement was reached on opening a “Corner of Turkish Literature” and free Turkish language courses at...

Literary analysis on the new translation «Құтадғу білік»

Presentation of the collection of poems by Aigul Zhumadil “Жан ішінде жарық нұр”.

Meeting with the editor-in-chief of the magazine “Балдырған” Duisen Maglumov.

Akberen Elgezek “Шексіздік сыртындағы шам”