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Poetic evening “Оқу залы” organized by the literary association “ALQA”

Presentation of Murat Kalapovich’s book “Жапырақ көңіл”

Poetry evening “Оқу залы” organized by the literary association “ALQA”

In the A. P. Chekhov Central City Library held hearings with the participation of the heads of subordinate organizations of the Department of Culture of the city of Almaty
June 8 at the A. P. Chekhov Central City Library. , Almaty CBS held hearings with the participation of the heads of subordinate organizations of the Department of Culture of the city of Almaty. During the hearing, the results of the work for 2022-2023 were summed up. Director of Libraries of Almaty Meiram Bektembaev spoke about the work done and shared his plans for the future, made a report on the progress of the libraries, priority areas for further work. This hearing was attended by the chairman of the Public Council of...

Meeting with the Consul General of the Republic of Turkey
Today, at the invitation of the Consulate of the Republic of Turkey in Almaty, the director of the Centralized Library System of Almaty, Meiram Bektembayev, met with Consul General Ali Ryza Akinchy. During the meeting, issues of mutual cooperation on the development of cultural ties between Kazakhstan and Turkey were discussed. In particular, an agreement was reached to open free Turkish language courses, training courses in other areas (music, IT technologies, etc.) in the Alatau Creative Hub. In addition, a corner of Turkish literature will open in the library. Everyone...

Сoncert dedicated to the celebration of International Children’s Day “Balausa bagym, shattyk pen kuanysh ordasy”

Meeting with writer Tolen Abdyk author of the short story «Қонақтар».

“Mercy from the Heart” campaign
On April 28 as part of the "Mercy from the Heart" campaign, employees of the Centralized Library System of Almaty visited the Center for support of children in difficult life situations. Books, sports equipment, and stationery were handed over to the children.

Presentation of the book “Kulpet” by Sherhan Nagmetovich Kazigulov
A presentation of the book "Kulpet" by Sherhan Nagmetovich Kazigulov, a writer-journalist at the Library of Writers of Kazakhstan under the centralized library system of Almaty city and, took place. The author was the first Laureate of the Kazigulov Literary Prize. This book won the competition for novels about modern Kazakhstan in 2022 on The presentation of the book was attended by famous writers, poets, literary scholars, representatives of the intelligentsia, and students. We hope that the author will find a response in the hearts of our readers.