«Reduce – steps to sustainable development»

An event aimed at awakening ecological consciousness among Almaty schoolchildren took place in the Central Children’s Library named after S. Begalin. The meeting was organized by CF Impact Hub Almaty within the framework of the Tabigat Labs initiative. Experts from the Public Fund «Recycle Birge» Pakizat Sailaubekova and Aliya Salmenova told about the concept of «7R». It is devoted to the principles of minimizing the eco-footprint. Almost thirty children took master classes on the paintings of shoppers, the upcycle of things, and also took part in the discussion on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Impact Hub Almaty donated a shelf of books on the topic of eco-education and sustainable development to the library.
The Children’s Library named after S. Begalin was not randomly chosen as the venue of the event. Libraries, providing books and spaces for sharing, are a vivid example of the application of the principles of conscious consumption.
The Tabiğat Labs project is being implemented in partnership with Chevron and Urban Forum Kazakhstan. The project participants are Fading TSE, YEMAA artist residence, Main Botanical Garden, Impact Hub Almaty. Project partner: Makerspace Almaty.