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“Corner of Chinese Literature” at the Zhambyl City Youth Library
On March 30, with the assistance of the Government of the city of Lianyungan, a solemn opening ceremony of the "Corner of Chinese Literature" was held at the Zhambyl City Youth Library. The main goal of this event is to develop cooperation and interaction in the field of culture between neighboring China and Kazakhstan. Members of the delegation headed by Deputy Mayor of Lianyungan Mr. Yan Xingzhong took part in the event. Today, given the importance of international cooperation in the cultural sphere, the Centralized Library System of Almaty places...

Charity evening “Men – Tengirtau Museum-Reserve – Duken”
On May 16, a solemn event dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Doctor of Philological Sciences, outstanding poet, translator, Honored Figure of Kazakhstan, laureate of the International Literary Award "Alash", holder of the "Parasat" Order, and laureate of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization "Zhibek Zholy" Prize - Dukhan Masimkhanuly, was held at Library Branch No.4 of the Centralized Library System of Almaty. The library staff shared information about the life and work of the outstanding figure of Kazakh poetry and answered readers' questions. The event was attended by students of Secondary...
Analysis of the writer Tolen Abdik’s short story “Guests”.
Analysis of the writer Tolen Abdik’s short story “Guests”.

Meeting with the president of the Adal As corporation, entrepreneur Ermek Mezibayev.

Within the framework of the republican book festival “book show – 2023”, an information hour “book — an amazing world” was held, dedicated to the World Book and Copyright Day

Meeting with writer Tolen Abdyk author of the short story «Қонақтар».

Round table “Cooperation, unity, harmony – the main wealth of the country”.

A dialogue platform with the founder of Kazakh mythology Serikbol Kondybai.