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The city qualifying competition “Sөz sınаp, öleń ölshémek”
On February 20th, the city qualifying competition "Sөz sınаp, öleń ölshémek" dedicated to the 165th anniversary of the birth of poet and thinker Shakarim Kudayberdiuly was held at the Central Library System of Almaty. Over 20 students studying in grades 5-7 from schools throughout the city participated in the competition.

Watching the cartoon “Puss in Boots. Last wish.”

Poetry evening dedicated to the work of the outstanding poet, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Mukagali Makatayev.

Meeting with the president of the “Adal As” corporation, entrepreneur Ermek Mezibayev.
An evening dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Murat Auezov.

An evening dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of Murat Auezov.

“Night in the Library”
As part of the Year of Children, on October 14, 2022, the Central City Children's Library named after S. Begalin in Almaty, a branch of the Centralized Library System, held a Night in the Library event titled "YMIRTTAGY KITAPTAR" / "BOOK TWILIGHT". This event was supported by the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of Financial Market and the Microfinance Organization "OnlineKazFinance" - "Solva". On this day, an exciting celebration of reading and books called "Night in the Library" was held for the most active readers...

Republican competition among young poets ‘Aqynfest 2022’
In 2022, with the support of the city government of Almaty, the Republican poetry contest among young poets "Aqynfest 2022" was organized with a prize fund of 1,850,000 tenge. 83 young poets participated in the competition. The award ceremony for the participants took place on September 20th at the "Alatau Creative Hub" building.

“Literary Bridge” is an international cultural interactive project
On June 16, 2022, an international cultural interactive project called "Literary Bridge" took place in the capital of the Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, with the participation of leading specialists from the Centralized Library System. As part of the project, a Memorandum of Cooperation and Integration was signed, a ceremony was held to familiarize with the work of the Kyrgyz National Library named after A. Osmonov and the Museum of the History of Kyrgyzstan, and 57 Kazakhstani books were transferred to the Abai Center. At the invitation of Kyrgyz colleagues, the Centralized...
a presentation of books was held with the participation of the head of the Department of Culture G. Maylibayev
On December 9, 2021, a presentation of books was held with the participation of the head of the Department of Culture G. Maylibayev, well-known writers and poets, with the support of the international organization TURKSOY. he presentation took place at the new creative space "ALATAU CREATIVE HUB". The opening remarks were given by the Head of the Department of Culture of Almaty, G.A. Maylibayev, who emphasized the importance of the activities of the International Organization of Turkic Culture and the transfer of books for the use of the city's readers....