“Literary Bridge” is an international cultural interactive project

On June 16, 2022, an international cultural interactive project called “Literary Bridge” took place in the capital of the Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, with the participation of leading specialists from the Centralized Library System. As part of the project, a Memorandum of Cooperation and Integration was signed, a ceremony was held to familiarize with the work of the Kyrgyz National Library named after A. Osmonov and the Museum of the History of Kyrgyzstan, and 57 Kazakhstani books were transferred to the Abai Center.
At the invitation of Kyrgyz colleagues, the Centralized Library System of Almaty participated in this event. During the event, a memorandum was signed between the National Library of the Kyrgyz Republic named after A. Osmonov and the Centralized Library System of Almaty on “Cooperation and Interaction.” The purpose of this memorandum is professional and information exchange, mutual assistance in implementing professional tasks, familiarization with the practices of libraries in Almaty and Bishkek, implementation of joint projects aimed at developing intercultural dialogue, stimulating children and youth’s interest in cultural heritage and achievements in the field of literature in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. We are pleased with the growing level of multifaceted cultural and spiritual ties between two fraternal and friendly peoples that embody the spirit of friendship, cooperation, and good-neighborliness between our states.