The round table: “The Constitution is the basis for the stability of our country.”

In honor of the Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the military unit 5571 named after B. Momyshuly and the Central City Library named after A. P. Chekhov organized a round table entitled “Ata Zan – the basis of stability of our country”. The event brought together outstanding experts and civil society activists to discuss key aspects of the Constitution of Kazakhstan.
During the round table, the participants had a unique opportunity to hear opinions and recommendations from distinguished guests:
Sovetkhan Sakenovich, a judge of the Almaty City Court, shared his view on the role of the Constitution in law enforcement practice and the importance of laws for maintaining law and order.
Mukhamedzhan Abdibek, a retired colonel and a veteran of the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan, highlighted the issues of the relationship between military service and the Constitution, emphasizing the importance of observing laws to ensure national security.
Yerzhan Zhumabek, poet and member of the CSR, raised the themes of patriotism and the cultural significance of the Constitution, reflecting the importance of