Discussion of cultural development issues

On August 3, a meeting was held in the A.P.Chekhov Central City Library with the participation of the leadership of the Almaty Department of Culture, members of the city Public Council and heads of cultural institutions under the jurisdiction of the Almaty Department of Culture.
During this meeting, the issues of budget financing of the cultural sphere of Almaty were discussed. The Head of the Department of Culture, Gani Mailibayev, presented the main issues of cultural development to the members of the Public Council. The heads of subordinate organizations of the Department of Culture told about the goals and tasks set for them in the near future. The members of the Public Council, having listened in detail to the opinions of the speakers, unanimously expressed their support for the plans of the planned cultural institutions aimed at the benefit of the residents of the city.
The participants of the meeting noted that the development of culture contributes to the strengthening of the cultural identity of the residents of our city, creates conditions for the harmonious development of personality and spiritual unity in society.